November 22, 2011

a lost friendship... :(

The other day I wrote about Louise, my friend who was physically hurt by her husband. I´m sad to let you all know that Louise went back with her husband.  I know that its her decision and I have no right to judge her or tell her what to do but I´m sadden to know how things turned out.

Our friendship was ruined after her beating. We no longer speak like we used to. I ran into her the other day and felt to emotionally far from this person whom I´ve known like a sister, I got some courage last night and spoke to her, she claims things are ok and that her going back with him has nothing to do with us not talking all of a sudden. That ¨she´s being busy...¨

Even if we dont stay as close as we were at least I know deep in my heart that I told her and did what was right, if there is one thing I refuse to stay quiet to is a woman being abuse by a man...

Stay pretty my friends!


November 19, 2011

When someone dies...

Sometimes I fail to see that life is precious, that it passes by so quickly, that we pursue so many riches that most of the time we forget the real stuff that makes us happy...

This week someone that I knew since I was a little girl died. She was always a happy woman, joyful, truthful, wise...She past away at an advance age and reminded me so much of my grandmother who passed back in 1993.

Seeing the pain that her children (now older women) are in, how lost they look, how big that hole that a loved one leaves just makes want to cry...I know we all say that the death of a closed one in the family its a real eye opener but this time was different, it was more than a simple eye opener, it was  so powerfull I cant simply describe it with words.

She was very loved by all of us and she will be remembered with love...Rest in Peace Mita...


November 07, 2011

We don´t all take a shower daily... or do we?

As I came home today I suddently felt this need to shower. I had been out on the dirt all day at work, it was later than usual and I was exausted.

I hop in the shower and started thinking over the excuses we sometimes give each other or our friends when we realized how tired we are we decided to ¨skip¨ the usual bath time routine... 

I remembered ealier today a co-worker was telling me how she got home tired and ¨since I took a shower that morning¨ decided to skip the shower that night, and how I told a story once of how I went to this Province named Contanza and it was really cold with no heater and i skip the shower for 2 days ¨because it was too cold¨, It just came all together...Why do we make up excuses when we simply decided NOT to shower?

Have you shared a smile today?

November 01, 2011

the things a woman goes thru...

I´ve been debating since last Sunday if I should write this post or not. My inner self is screaming at me ¨go ahead this needs to get out there¨ but at the same time I need to respect the privacy of my dear friend who in this story will be called Louise.

I´ve known Louise for so many years now that I´ve lost count. She is one the most sweet people I know. She is never mean, rude, inpolite, nasty or anything else that I could turn into at times when folks get on my nerves. Louise married her first love, the fairytale guy that we all dream about. Well fast forward and the years went by, they had children and life was not all she planned but what the heck they had each other she tought and to her married was a thing for ever...until death do us apart type of thing.

We will call Louise husband Charlie. Charlie decided that he no longer wanted to be with Louise, he needed his freedom, he was tired of it all. The same day Charlie dumped Louise she went out with a couple of friends, she was enjoying herself.

Charlie showep up and decided to beat her up!...for the heck of it... because he felt like it!

I´m sure that we all know someone who is being physically or verbally or emotionally abuse by their partner...we tend to stand around and not say anything because of fear, we might not to get involved in someone elses life or we might even think that the gal will eventually end up going back to that relationship... which happens a lot.

But let me tell you, there is nothing like seem your friend get hurt because some sorry ass guy decided that she deserved a beattin...

Charlie was in jail, he is free now (bail was paid), Louise is hurt, she claims she will never go back...the children are safe, life keeps going...and here i am praying that Louise opens her eyes before she becomes another statistic...

So go ahead and speak up, go ahead and get your nose in someone elses life because if you do stay quiet your friend might soon died...

Have you shared a smile today?