October 20, 2011

So excited today I could scream !!!

Today I feel like a real writer. I´m sure you have encounter a situation in which you do something but practically noone knows about it and therefore you dont feel like you do that thing that you know that you do (I know confusing!)

Well that it how it felt all the years that I´ve been writing and noone knew I was a writer. I will do my blog posts and no comments, no one read it, nothing.... It truly just felt like I was just a writer to myself!

Well along came Emily from Nap Time is My Time to the rescue! She has been so kind to have me as a guest blogger over at her blog. She featured my blog and post and I could not be any happier!!!!

I´m overwhelmed by this ¨Now I feel like I´m a real writer¨ feeling. I feel like I could scream it to the world (dont know if they will listen thought) but I feel like I´m not just a writer wanna be...I´m a writer!

You could find the post here!

Thank you Emily for the Opportunity...You have NO idea what it means to me.

ps:  I will love to visit Texas one day!

Have you shared a smile today?

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Wheels here we go!